Walter What ?
Walter is a magazine that has its roots in this quote from Walter Gropius (founder of the Bauhaus): “The ultimate goal of any creative project is construction! We must all return to craftsmanship because there is no such thing as professional art. There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. Let us wish, conceive and create the new constructs of the future, that will embrace all in one single form.”
Walter is a quarterly magazine limited to 3,852 copies (1883 + 1969, dates of birth and death of Walter Gropius). The texts are in English and French.
Walter Volume 2 ?
Contents of this second volume:
A creative / A Project (front cover) :  Dodecahedron by Rafael Araujo
Instagram to follow : 1924us and more
Neon type Museum of Las Vegas
Dieter Rams and the 10 principals of design
Studio visit : Parliament
It's a kind of magic : creative decks
Creative type
Honey Honey
Marc Besant : design with Peter Gabriel
Exclusive Anton Corbijn interview
Star Wars : original trilogy posters
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